I cannot imagine what it must have been like for them. Most of them were from the Southern States of the United States. If any of you have been there, you know how green and lush the vegetation is and how plentiful water is. What a contrast to the red rocks and desert landscape that was to become there home.
Each year the City of Washington sponsors Cotton Days. Part of the activities is a day for the second grade students in Washington County to attend as part of their Utah Heritage studies. Since I am now foot loose and fancy free (unemployed), I decided to take the opportunity to go on this field trip with Emily. Here are our photos of all the fun.
Emily on the bus with her friends
Learning about the first schoolhouse and the first
school teacher at the Washington Heritage Museum
school teacher at the Washington Heritage Museum
and even a handcart
shot the rifle
Making candles
Lunch in front of the museum. Nothing like PB & J to end a field trip.
Emily gave the day a thumbs up.
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