The Watchman

The Watchman

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Where'd My Little Boy Go?

Over the weekend, our home was the scene of more chaos than normal as friends and family descended upon us to celebrate and support Wil preparing to leave for his LDS mission in Japan.  With everyone coming and going at different times, the only firm item on the agenda was the 9 AM worship service that included Wil on the program.  I have to say that this casual approach to scheduling allowed us to relax and enjoy each others company.  Time was spent climbing rocks in Pioneer Park, jumping on the trampoline, playing games, putting together a puzzle, shopping, attending the temple, taking pictures and eating.  Most important was the time we were able to spend just talking.

Of course, talking led to reminiscing.  My niece, Brittney, commented on how much she enjoys hearing the stories from when we were all young.  We do remember to utilize liberal editing in the retelling of some of these adventures.  Not that any of us were ever really wicked, but as parents, we don't see the need to encourage them to try and out do us.  I remember one time Wil asked how his dad and I always knew what he was up to.  I responded that there was little he could do that one or the other of us hadn't done and we knew how to recognize the signs.  With the way society has become today, the adage "kids will be kids" can lead to a lot more heartache than a few missing rolls of toilet paper from the bathroom cabinet.

Rick and I always said that as our children got older, we would more fully answer their questions.  The phrase "When they grow up..." has been used quite frequently.  So it has now shocked us to realize that our sons have reached that "grown up" stage in life.  They now ask the questions that require the harder answers.  "Because that's the way it is" is no longer enough of an answer.  They have also reached a point that the concepts of repentance and forgiveness have real meaning.  Wil gave a beautiful talk in our worship service on the subject of forgiveness.  Two very important points he addressed were that forgiveness of others is necessary for our own growth and peace and that when we ask for forgiveness, we also must be willing to forgive ourselves.  

Sunday evening my sister Jody and I were talking.  She looked at me and asked if when I look at my children do I see them as they are now or is now an overlay on what they were when they were younger.  She said it is hard for her to see Hunter without his chubby baby cheeks, Wil not small enough to hide in a cupboard and when did Jon get taller than her.  I kept thinking of that not only can I not look at my own children without seeing them as they were when they were little, but I also have a hard time looking at my brothers and sisters and wondering when we got so old.  The lines from the Fiddler on the Roof song , Sunrise/Sunset, have kept going through my mind: Is this the little girl I carried? Is this the little boy at play? I don't remember growing older. When did they?

Many things can be said about wasting time, losing time, killing time.  But I find myself more and more cherishing time, relishing time, spending time.  When we are together as a family, those brief moments of time are more valuable than all else.  Time stops for no one, and time brings change.  Nothing is ever the same as it once was, so I am grateful for those times that we can look back and not regret.  I think that is why this quote attributed to Gordon B. Hinckley was so meaningful to me this week: 

“Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he’s been robbed. The fact is that most putts don’t drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to just be people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration, most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is like an old time rail journey…delays…sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling burst of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride.”

Then and Now

Dickamore Family about 1979
Rick with his brothers 1975
Jon, Wil, Alex, Hunter and Brittney 1998
Tiffany 1998
Everyone, January 29, 2012

Our children 2003
January 29, 2012

Wil and Hunter 1996
Wil and Hunter 2011

1 comment:

  1. I have a hard time seeing them as grown ups too! I often look at my own kids and ask them what they did with the 'little' version of themselves. The time is going so very fast and all too soon I'll be where you guys are- I hope! If I get where you are it will mean that I've raised great kids!
